1. What is Deutsche GRI Wohnen?
Deutsche GRI Wohnen is a day and a half of networking between senior level real estate investors, developers, lenders active in German residential real estate. Like with all GRI’s, it provides a unique platform for international and local players to meet, discuss and identify new investment and development opportunities.
2. What makes the event different to the other real estate investment events?
GRI format is not a conventional conference, as we have no have speakers or panels. Instead there are a series of discussions, the novelty is, that everybody can participate actively, it’s a meeting of minds. Hence there is no formality, like an after dinner conversation with friends. The benefit is in the direct link to each other, you really get to know one another, what your peer thinks and identify new potential business partners and investment opportunities.
3. This will be the 2nd GRI. Are there any changes the attendees should expect this year?
The agenda of discussions have all been generated with industry leaders to ensure only most relevant issues are picked up. Deutsche GRI Wohnen has grown in scale and will cover 16 discussions, some big picture outlook and investment trends to more regional focus and asset management challenges. We are very pleased to have a broader mix between big property companies and local developers attending than last year, and also to have the most active lenders present to discuss their view and strategies with.
4. Who will be at the event in Berlin this year?
As it should, it’s the most active players on the scene. We expect more than 100 decision-makers this year, which keeps the intimate character of the meeting while providing highest quality of participants to meet with. To name a few, we will discuss the market with Vonovia, Deutsche Wohnen, Buwog, Corestate, Swiss Life, Grainger, Aberdeen, Isaria, Formart and many more. You can see the full participant list on our website, www.globalrealestate.org/deutschewohnen
5. What are going to be the main themes that will be discussed at the event this year?
Deutsche GRI Wohnen will pretty much cover everything one could live in apart from Hotels. As the prime focal point for high-profile residential real estate leadership gatherings in German-speaking countries we will cover big picture topics like the rental cap, demographic change and the general direction of the market, yet will also conduct regional discussions e.g. on Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig; furthermore discussions on direct as well as indirect investment ; financing – also across borders – as well as specific discussions on social and health real estate, student & micro living and topics such as management and tenant satisfaction.
One interesting point that came up was Austria (i.e. Vienna) as an alternative to investing in an expensive Munich market, so we will have a discussion on that.
You can find more information about the programm, participants and details on how to attend on the Deutsche GRI Wohnen website.