Lizzy Rother
Mietwohnungen Berlin
Mietwohnungen in Berlin
Rent and the cost of property continue to rise in Berlin. The price range is getting wider too. Figures released by the German Real Estate Association (IVD) show that the average rent before bills in more attractive areas has risen from €7.60 per m2 last year to €8.20 so far in 2012. That’s an increase of 8%.
In standard residential areas the average rent before bills is €6.70 per m2 (€6.20 in 2011), while in sought-after areas the average purchase price has risen to €1,850 per m2 (€1,700 last year). Standard residential areas have seen a rise from €1,300 to €1,400 per m2. Investors are turning their focus increasingly on outlying areas, as well as to locations close to the city.
Despite the rise in cost, prices in Berlin remain highly competitive in relation to the rest of Germany. “Berlin still offers very affordable living spaces, compared to the country as a whole,“says Dirk Wohltorf, chairman of the IVD Berlin/Brandenburg. In six of Berlin’s 12 districts, rents of under €5 per m2 are still negotiable. And in five further districts, rents generally start at betwen €5 and €6 per per m2. The only district in which rent before bills comes to at least €6 per m2 is Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf. In the most attractive areas of that district, rents averaged €10.00 per m2, as opposed to €9.25 last year. Mitte and Steglitz-Zehlendorf, at €9.75 respetively came in closely behind.
Strong demand from purchasers in locations close to the citycentre
The average cost of a standard 90 m2 flat in Berlin is €126,000 and €165,000 in more attractive areas. That represents a rise of betwen 8 and 9 % on last year and 32 % in the last five years. The price range has widened considerably, and is affected predominantly by the district in question, as well as the age of the building. Purchase demand is most highly concentrated in locations close to the city centre in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Schöneberg, Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte und Pankow. While prices remain highest and continue to rise in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (€2,500 per m2) and Mitte (€2,200), Pankow (€2.200/m2), Steglitz-Zehlendorf (€2,100 /m2) und Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (€2,000/m2) have also registered a notable rise of about 12 % and have all overstepped the €2,000 per m2 mark.
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Schöneberg, Neukölln, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Mitte und Pankow. Während die Schwerpunktkaufpreise für Eigentumswohnungen in beliebten Lagen von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf mit 2.500 Euro pro Quadratmeter sowie in Mitte mit 2.200 Euro pro Quadratmeter wie bereits im Vorjahr am höchsten sind und erneut ansteigen, verzeichnen Pankow (2.200 €/qm), Steglitz-Zehlendorf (2.100 €/qm) und Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (2.000 €/qm) einen merklichen Preisanstieg von rund zwölf Prozent und überschreiten die Marke von 2.000 Euro pro Quadratmeter.