Deutsche GRI 2015
The Westin Grand Frankfurt Konrad-Adenauer-Strasse 7, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Driven by the flood of capital, activity in German real estate has climbed to new records, prices are still on the rise, and the enthusiasm is not vanishing. National or international, the queue of cash rich investors is long. Niche sectors and regional markets have long become mainstream and with it, the tickets investors have to pay are rising.
No doubt, the search for alternative investments is further intensifying. With the prices, the perception of risk and the pressure on margins and yield are increasing. Questions about the longevity and motivation of today’s investments are getting louder. What happens when interest rates do rise, Eurozone worries flare up or deflation gets hold in Europe? Are the risks in German real estate still adequately priced or ignored? Stay ahead in an increasingly competitive environment and discuss with the best in the industry.
Join us on the 6th and 7th May at the 11th Deutsche GRI.